RAAI 2023

RAAI 2023 / December 14-16, 2023  / Singapore

2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (RAAI 2023) has been held during December 14-16, 2023 in Shaw Foundation Alumni House, NUS, Singaopre.

RAAI 2023 conference proceedings has been published online, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

Group Photo

Conference Chair-Prof. Xie Ming, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Keynote Speaker-Prof. Danwei WANG (IEEE Fellow), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Keynote Speaker-Prof. Gang Feng (IEEE Fellow), City University of Hong Kong Keynote Speaker-Prof. Clément Gosselin (IEEE Fellow), Université Laval, Canada
Session Group Photos      
Excellent Presenters      

Onsite S1: DE045
Title: Investigating the 5G Handover in Autonomous Mobile Robotic Applications
Presenter: Tommy Luong, Ruhr University Bochum – Chair of Production Systems, Germany

Onsite S2: DE106
Title: IoT-Based Automation for Spray Painting in Aerospace Manufacturing
Presenter: Sivadas Chandra Sekaran, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Onsite S3: DE007
Title: Addressing the Impact of Message Passing Topology in GNN RL
Presenter: Kei Suzuki, Advanced Technology R&D Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan

Onsite S4: DE046
Title: Framework for Evaluating Path Accuracy in UAV Indoor Operations
Presenter: Tommy Luong, Ruhr University Bochum – Chair of Production Systems, Germany

Onsite S5: DE027
Title: Speech Command Recognition: Text-to-Speech and Speech Corpus Scraping Are All You Need
Presenter: Askat Kuzdeuov, ISSAI, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

Online Session:
Title: Cylinder-wheel Coupled Robot with Buttocks-support Mechanism for Lower-limb Rehabilitation Training
Presenter: Zhiyuan Chai, Beihang University, China

Title: Design and Simulation of a 3-DOF Dexterous Joint Actuator based on Multi-drive Hierarchical Output and Spherical Rotation Mechanism
Presenter: Xuhang Li, Beihang University, China